Frequently Asked Questions


About Production and Delivery
How long does it take for the map to be produced?
How long will delivery take?
I received my tracking number, but it doesn't work yet. Why?
About Personalization
Can I personalize my map?
Will I get to see my personalized product before it's produced?
About Map Details
What are the approximate weights of each map size?
What map sizes do you offer?
About Shipping and Returns
Do you offer worldwide shipping?
What is the shipping time for orders?
What is your return policy?
About Payments Accepted
What payment methods do you accept?
About Custom Orders
Can I change my order after it's placed?
Can you create a custom design of my preferred location?
I want specific towns to be included on my map. Is that possible?
How many times can I request edits to the design of a custom map?
If I place an order for a custom map, how many types of fees must I pay?
About Quality Guarantee and Support
What is your Quality Guarantee?
I received my order, but some pieces of the map are missing or damaged. What should I do?
Can I order the map with geographical names engraved in languages other than English? If yes, does it affect the price?